They may be plentiful, but birds are easily one of the most challenging and elusive photographic subjects.
As anyone who’s tried to capture one of these skittish creatures knows, their rapid and unpredictable movements make it supremely difficult. Perhaps it’s no coincidence then, that Photo Challengers consistently had their best results when the winged ones were not in flight.
That’s certainly the case with our winner Chris Melloy’s amusing untitled image of a row of Crested Terns taking a break from fishing. Chris will soon receive a Lowepro Pro Roller Lite 250 AW (RRP $345) to pack all his gear in for his next photo adventure.
We liked the way our first runner-up, Jenny Stephens captured a pair of Sea Eagles against the sky. And keeping the background simple as well, Roz Krugle continues her high standard with a well-balanced shot of a Nankeen (Rufous) Night Heron keenly searching out its next meal.
David Trembath managed to spot a Pied Heron standing alert on a lily pad, while Greg Toll sought out three of the most common urban species interacting in a fashion that looks to have been satisfactory for all concerned.

Untitled by Chris Melloy

Mating Pair White-bellied Sea Eagles by Jenny Stephens.
Croajingolong National Park.
Canon 5dMkIII, 100-400 mm lens, ISO 1000, f/5.6 @ 1/1600

‘Surveillance’ by Roz Krugle

Feeding time by Greg Toll

Pied Heron on lily pad by David Trembath

Untitled by Blane Coulcher
Details of the next Photo Challenge are published in Photo Review magazine.