Having your camera settings established and ready to go allows you to become more attuned to the scenes and subjects you are shooting. This applies whether you’re recording buildings and the overall ambience of a city or you’re more focused on the people within it.
City and street photo gear tips
City and street photo equipment choices depend on what you want to photograph, how you approach subjects, and how you want to share your photos and videos.
Deep-sky astrophotography
How to capture images of nebulae, galaxies, star clusters.
Colour and noise control
The white balance control determines how colour is recorded, while the ISO control sets the sensor’s sensitivity to light.
Best night sky photo locations
Where to go for the best astrophotography sites in Australia.
Wide field astrophotography
Shooting tips and advice on the most popular type of astrophotography.
Underwater shooting tips
Equipment options, weatherproofing standards, lighting tips and advice for shooting underwater at different depths.
Scenery and wildlife photo tips
How to find your own shooting style and approach to each kind of subject.
Getting exposures right
You can’t always rely on fully automatic exposures, so it pays to learn how to adjust two important controls that determine how much light reaches the image sensor in a camera.
Camera gear for nature photos
Camera equipment buying tips for nature photographers, from smartphones through to high-end cameras and lenses.