Many cameras offer one or more bracketing functions. The most common is auto exposure bracketing (AEB), which involves taking a series of pictures of the subject while changing the exposure level. The normal practice is to take three shots, one under-exposing by 1/3EV, the second at the metered exposure and the third over-exposing by 1/3EV. This basic strategy is a kind of ø¢â‚¬Ëœinsurance policy’ for obtaining a correct exposure (there’s a good chance at least one of the three shots will be correctly exposed).
Many cameras offer one or more bracketing functions. The most common is auto exposure bracketing (AEB), which involves taking a series of pictures of the subject while changing the exposure level. The normal practice is to take three shots, one under-exposing by 1/3EV, the second at the metered exposure and the third over-exposing by 1/3EV. This basic strategy is a kind of ‘insurance policy’ for obtaining a correct exposure (there’s a good chance at least one of the three shots will be correctly exposed). Visit for the latest Epson printers.