Given his particular fondness for the sweeping landscape, it’s not surprising that he also has a favourite photo community site devoted to the aforementioned genre. Called, Yoon says ‘it’s basically a Who’s Who of landscape photographers. Pick up any international landscape or outdoor photography magazine, and you’ll see many familiar names from NPN. A couple months ago I actually joined the staff as a moderator on that site, so I’ll be doing even more critiqueing.’

Given his particular fondness for the sweeping landscape, it’s not surprising that he also has a favourite photo community site devoted to the aforementioned genre. Called, Yoon says ‘it’s basically a Who’s Who of landscape photographers. Pick up any international landscape or outdoor photography magazine, and you’ll see many familiar names from NPN. A couple months ago I actually joined the staff as a moderator on that site, so I’ll be doing even more critiqueing.’