Canon EF 200-400mm f/4L IS USM Extender 1.4x Lens

      Photo Review 9.0

      In summary

      Canon’s EF 200-400mm f/4L IS USM Extender 1.4X more than satisfies the requirements of its target market. Sports and wildlife photographers should be delighted by the convenience of the built-in extender and the fact that it doesn’t compromise image quality.

      Buyers of this lens will get what they pay for: a large, relatively fast lens that is extremely well built, intelligently designed and capable of delivering sharp, high quality images.

      Full review

      Canon’s EF 200-400mm f/4L IS USM Extender 1.4X lens was announced in May, 2013 and was first put on show in Australia at the Vivid festival in Sydney, where it created considerable excitement. Being an EF lens, it is designed primarily for cameras with 36 x 24 mm sensors, where engaging the extender shifts the focal length range out to 280-560mm. It can also be used on Canon’s APS-C sensor DSLRs, where it covers a focal length range equivalent to 320-640mm or 448-896mm with the extender engaged.

      Canon’s EF 200-400mm f/4L IS USM Extender 1.4X more than satisfies the requirements of its target market. Sports and wildlife photographers should be delighted by the convenience of the built-in extender and the fact that it doesn’t compromise image quality.

      Buyers of this lens will get what they pay for: a large, relatively fast lens that is extremely well built, intelligently designed and capable of delivering sharp, high quality images.


      RRP: n/a; ASP: AU$12,500; MSRP: US$11,799.99

      • Build: 9.5
      • Handling: 9.0
      • Image quality: 9.0
      • Versatility: 9.0
