Taking his time


Asked if he’d describe himself as a photojournalist, Roger Garwood hesitates for an instant – but only an instant. ‘Yes I would.’ he says. ‘It’s a word I always found rather pretentious. Frankly, these days there are lots of people out there calling themselves photojournalists, some of them can barely read or write. But I’m a little less cautious about using the term now. It’s become more acceptable, whereas years ago it was one of those trendy things to call yourself.’

Gallery Profile: Zorica Purlija


 Location: Bondi, NSW My Favourite Websites: www.obscuragallery.com www.acp.org.au www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au www.arthere.com.au www.visualarts.net.auwww.artshub.com.au My Gear: Nikon FG20 Canon IXUS 70 (image shot with this) Nikon D200I would love to get a Leica! Inspirations: Other photographic artists: Robyn Stacey (my photography teacher in 1988), Brassai, Dora Maar, Rineke Dijkstra, Lisette Model, Diane Arbus, Cindy Sherman, Bill Henson, Ella …

Eye for a scene


Sometimes things don’t work out quite the way you plan. Originally I’d intended to interview Geoffrey Simpson about his work as a cinematographer, with the idea of exploring the intersection between his craft and the art of photographic composition. Although he is an extremely busy fellow, we managed to conduct the interview. Unfortunately, it turned out to be difficult to organise the high resolution images from his films we’d need for publication in the magazine. Ownership and copyright issues that arise from such a highly collaborative art form, it seems, are extremely complex.

Ballarat International Foto Biennale Photographer Profile: Thomas Roessler


  lo-res-r14_1y475 This is from the series I’m showing at BIFB 09. Camera: Canon AE-1; Lens, Canon FD, 20mm; Film: Fuji, ISO 800 slide film Q: How long have you been taking pictures?A: I started when I was 13 years old with my grandfather’s folding camera. A little later I bought my first SLR, a …