Location: Bondi, NSW My Favourite Websites: www.obscuragallery.com www.acp.org.au www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au www.arthere.com.au www.visualarts.net.auwww.artshub.com.au My Gear: Nikon FG20 Canon IXUS 70 (image shot with this) Nikon D200I would love to get a Leica! Inspirations: Other photographic artists: Robyn Stacey (my photography teacher in 1988), Brassai, Dora Maar, Rineke Dijkstra, Lisette Model, Diane Arbus, Cindy Sherman, Bill Henson, Ella …
Gallery Profile: Robynne Hayward
https://www.photoreview.com.au/stories/profiles/gallery-profile-robynne-hayward/Location: Sydney, NSWrobynnehayward.zenfolio.com My Favourite Websites: weburbanist.comMike Brodie (see: http://tinyurl.com/3lraq2) Inspirations:My inspirations are mainly visual, a scene that appeals because of the light or colour, or the way objects in it are composed. But there are also attachments that come from a sense of connection to place and history – such as the Maori …
Gallery Profile: Tim Geraghty-Groves
https://www.photoreview.com.au/stories/profiles/gallery-profile-tim-geraghty-groves/Gallery Profile: Tim Geraghty-Groves Location: Brisbane, Queensland. My Favourite Websites: http://www.d-d-photographics.com for some of the best deals http://jillgg.typepad.com A Showcase of my wife’s work! And EBay! My Gear: A couple of Canon 30Ds with Battery grips, 10-22mm EFS, 28-135mm IS USM, 50mm f2.5 Macro, 50mm f1.8, 85mm f1.8 Inspirations: My environment. Seeing things that …
Gallery Profile: Fernando Cascais
https://www.photoreview.com.au/stories/profiles/gallery-profile-fernando-cascais/Location:Espinho, Portugal My Favourite Websites: http://kaskais.fotosblogue.com/ http://www.flodeo.com/kaskais http://www.photoclub.eu/photogallery/showphoto.php?photo=1935&cat=524 http://www.jpgmag.com/people/kaskais http://www.pixalo.com/gallery/showgallery.php/cat/500/ppuser/4575http://www.passionforpixels.com My Gear: Nikon D80 and Nikon 28mm f2.8, Nikon 50mm f1.8, Nikon 18-70mm, Sigma 10-20mmCanon Powershot G9 Inspirations:Metaphysics, astrology, psychology, literature. Cartier-Bresson, Joseph Koudela, Man Ray and others. Aspirations:I am a ‘mad dog’ street photographer. I track down the ‘reality’ with my cameras and I …
Gallery Profile: Brad McEvoy
https://www.photoreview.com.au/stories/profiles/gallery-profile-brad-mcevoy/Location: Dee Why, NSW My Favourite Websites: www.redbubble.com www.potd.com.au www.flickr.com www.deviantart.comwww.johnwitzig.com.au My Gear:Canon 350D and Sony Cyber-shot with a water housing Inspirations:I love water, the beach – anything near or in the ocean. Other photographic artists such as: John Witzig, Tim Donnelly, Shane “Monkeyfoto” Myers, Peter Eastway, and Neil “Moonwalker” Armstrong. Aspirations:I would like …
Eye for a scene
https://www.photoreview.com.au/stories/profiles/eye-for-a-scene/Sometimes things don’t work out quite the way you plan. Originally I’d intended to interview Geoffrey Simpson about his work as a cinematographer, with the idea of exploring the intersection between his craft and the art of photographic composition. Although he is an extremely busy fellow, we managed to conduct the interview. Unfortunately, it turned out to be difficult to organise the high resolution images from his films we’d need for publication in the magazine. Ownership and copyright issues that arise from such a highly collaborative art form, it seems, are extremely complex.
Distant focus
https://www.photoreview.com.au/stories/profiles/distant-focus/Whether he’s photographing a shipwreck at dawn, moss-covered river rocks or a wedding, it’s easy to see that Paul Pichugin puts his heart and soul into his work. He has the technical and aesthetic skills of an accomplished professional, but has also retained the enthusiasm and candour of his years as a keen amateur.
Creature Discomforts
https://www.photoreview.com.au/stories/profiles/creature-discomforts/Visitors to Peter Strain’s gallery in Broome, Western Australia, typically react to his macro photographs of mangrove tree snails with laughter and amazement. These Creatures of the Giant Tides, as he has called the series, are startlingly colourful, varied and Ëœalien’.
Cracking the Nut
https://www.photoreview.com.au/stories/profiles/cracking-the-nut/Political satirist Bryan Dawe can trace the origin of his photographic style to a single moment 15 years ago.
Be Prepared – The Busy Busy Life Of R. Ian Lloyd
https://www.photoreview.com.au/stories/profiles/be-prepared-the-busy-busy-life-of-r-ian-lloyd/‘Do you want to know how to make an egg stand up?’ R Ian Lloyd paused for effect, ‘You lick the bottom of the egg and then you put it into some salt or sugar. Because the little crystals are square, when you put it down and blow them away, it will prop up.’