The last Sunday in April has been declared Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day and photographers are encouraged to take photos using a camera they’ve built themselves.


April 3, 2008: The last Sunday in April has been declared Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day and photographers are encouraged to take photos using a camera they’ve built themselves.
Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day is an international event created to promote and celebrate the art of pinhole photography. Photographers are encouraged to:
– take some time off from the increasingly technological world we live in and to participate in the simple act of making a pinhole photograph;
– share their visions and help spread the unusual beauty of this historical photographic process.
Pinhole photography allows you to make a photograph that requires only a light-tight container (box or can) with a tiny hole in one side (to allow light to enter) and any photo-sensitive surface in it. You can adapt an existing camera, or make the camera yourself. To help prepare photographers for this year’s event Corbis has released a range of Readymech Cameras/ pinhole camera templates. The templates and instructions on how to build a camera are available at
Participating photographers are encouraged to submit their pinhole photos to the Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day website, where they can be shared with other pinhole photographers around the world. For details, visit