An exhibition of photographs by Australia’s leading surf photographers opens in the foyer of the Crowne Plaza in Torquay on the Victorian coast today.


January 22, 2009: An exhibition of photographs by Australia’s leading surf photographers opens in the foyer of the Crowne Plaza in Torquay on the Victorian coast today.
The display will contain images from the following photographers: Barrie Sutherland, Cormac Hanrahan, Darryl Fowler, Mark Gaylard, Eric Holt, Wendy Mitchell, Darren Noyes-Brown, Steve Ryan, Judy Scanlon, Kyle Simpson, Matthew Stevenson and Kevan Way. Each photographer is showing between one and three images and all are for sale. The exhibition is free and will be open throughout the Australia Day weekend. For more information, phone Cormac Hanrahan on 0411 485 964.