Photographers looking to visit the Kruger National Park in South Africa are invited to contact Shapshap, a new specialist travel company that promises ‘the ultimate in adventure’.


September 27, 2007: Photographers looking to visit the Kruger National Park in South Africa are invited to contact Shapshap, a new specialist travel company that promises ‘the ultimate in adventure’.
The company’s name, Shapshap is a South African slang term that forms part of everyday customs and interaction between citizens. When one local greets another and asks: ø¢â‚¬Å“How are you doing?ø¢â‚¬ , the response to this will often be:ø¢â‚¬Å“shapshapø¢â‚¬ – meaning okay/good/fine. Shapshap is run by Japie van Deventer (South African) and Lizza Duijverman (Dutch), who have many years of extensive travelling and guiding experience. The special photography represent a new initiative, with the aim of allowing participants to learn more about photography, wildlife and nature and to support local communities and businesses.
The main destination will be the Kruger National Park, which offers the greatest variety of wildlife, more than can be said of any other park, anywhere in Africa! The route will also stretch along the world-famous Blyde River Canyon with visits to Three Rondavels, Bourke’s Luck Potholes, God’s Window and some spectacular waterfalls surrounding this area. Apart from normal game drives, participants will participate in guided bushwalks in the Kruger National Park and Moholoholo private wildlife reserve. In places, participants will be allowed to leave their vehicles and embark on guided game walks with park rangers, enhancing the experience with close encounters of untamed and wild Africa and its animals.
Participants will also get the chance to visit the rehab and breeding centers for injured and endangered species at Kapama and Moholoholo. These visits will support good causes and allow for personal interaction with the animals. All tours will be accompanied by at least two experienced guides and a photography specialist who will ensure a rich and rewarding experience. Guests will stay in comfortable private en-suite rooms and evenings will be spend around campfire, sharing past and present experiences under the majestic, African sky.
Tours will run throughout the year. For more information, email Japie at