Vanessa Winship from the United Kingdom has been named Sony World Photography Awards Photographer of the Year at the VIP Gala Awards ceremony in Cannes.


April 26, 2008: Vanessa Winship from the United Kingdom has been named Sony World Photography Awards Photographer of the Year at the VIP Gala Awards ceremony in Cannes.
Her entry in the Portraiture category has beaten thousands of submissions to win the title, accompanied by a US$25,000 cash prize. Vanessa’s portrait (shown below) depicts two little girls from Eastern Turkey. It was selected by a panel of judges that included Nan Goldin, Bruce Davidson, Tom Stoddart, Elliott Erwitt and Martine Franck.


Copyright Vanessa Winship (Courtesy of Sony World Photography Awards.)
Other category winners in the Professional class include:
Abstract – Anita Cruz-Eberhard (UNITED STATES)
Advertising – Fabrizio Cestari (ITALY)
Architectural – Livia Corona (MEXICO)
Fashion – Valeska Achenbach & Isabela Pacini (GERMANY)
Music/Performance – Eduard Meltzer (SWITZERLAND)
Nature – Giacomo Brunelli (ITALY)
Nude – Natalie Bothur – (GERMANY)
Photojournalism/Documentary – Moises Saman (UNITED STATES)
Portraiture – Vanessa Winship (UNITED KINGDOM)
Science – Thomas Deerinck (UNITED STATES)
Sport – Robin Utrecht (NETHERLANDS)
Amateur and professional photographers can enter their images from October 2008. Details will be provided on the website,