Sekonic has released a free downloadable upgrade to its Data Transfer Software (DTS) allowing for automated DSLR and Digital Video Camera meter calibration.

The new DTS Version 3.0 enables users to measure the dynamic range of a DSLR or Digital Video Camera and calibrate a Sekonic L-758DR DigitalMaster and L-758 Cine DigitalMaster meter to that specific data. The automated process works upon images of one of Sekonic’s Exposure Profile Targets or one of X-Rite’s ColorChecker series targets (sold separately). Once recorded, the processed TIFF or JPEG image files are imported into Sekonic’s DTS software for processing and mapping. The DTS system also allows users to manually enter data obtained from shooting other industry-standard targets to create a profile.
The dynamic range data are transferred to the meter via USB cable and up to three camera profiles can be stored in the meter. More can be stored with the software. Once loaded, the Sekonic L-758 DigitalMaster meters make incident and reflected-light, spot readings that are precisely tuned to the dynamic range of the profiled camera.
The new application for both Windows and Mac OS can be downloaded for free from the Sekonic website: