SanDisk has released a new series of Write Once Read Many (WORM) digital memory card in the SD format, designed for applications where data files must be protected from alteration or deletion.


July 16, 2008: SanDisk has released a new series of Write Once Read Many (WORM) digital memory card in the SD format, designed for applications where data files must be protected from alteration or deletion.
Digital data written to SanDisk SD WORM cards is effectively locked as soon as it is recorded; there is no physical way to alter or delete individual recorded files. Yet viewing the data is simple, because the cards are readable in any standard SD slot attached to a computer or other SD-compatible device. The new cards also offer 100-year archival preservation when kept under appropriate storage conditions.
Applications for the new cards are many and varied and include for police photography and witness/suspect interviews, where courts require proof that photos and audio recordings are genuine, court proceedings, electronic voting, cash registers, event recorders (such as security cameras and ø¢â‚¬Å“black boxø¢â‚¬ flight-data recorders) and portable devices containing patient medical records.
SanDisk is now partnering with manufacturers of cameras, digital voice recorders, medical equipment, electronic cash registers and other digital devices to add the firmware required for recording to SanDisk SD WORM cards. SanDisk is also working with the SD Card Association for approval of this new specification as an industry standard.

The new cards are available now worldwide in 128MBcapacity and are expected to be available in higher capacities later in the year. For more information, visit