RED, Outback Explored, a photographic exhibition by Felix Hug and Philippe Ruttens, opens at the MCG Gallery @ Giotto Gallery Caføƒ ©, 78 Stanley St East Sydney on Tuesday 30 May at 6:30pm.


May 10, 2006: RED, Outback Explored, a photographic exhibition by Felix Hug and Philippe Ruttens, opens at the MCG Gallery @ Giotto Gallery Cafø©, 78 Stanley St East Sydney on Tuesday 30 May at 6:30pm.
Sponsored by Epson Australia, the exhibition displays photographs taken on a 3500km round trip through western NSW by the photographers “to capture a contemporary slice of the legendary Australian outback”. Prints on display were produced on an Epson Stylus Pro 7800 with Epson UltraChrome K3 ink on Epson Smooth Fine Art Paper. The gallery is open daily from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm. The exhibition closes on 27 August.