Adobe has issued a major update to its Premiere Pro video editing software, which is available now as a public Beta version that enables users to try out the new features.

A key feature of the new Premiere Pro is a redesigned user interface with a new import mode and new header bar that make it easier for editors who work across multiple platforms. (Source: Adobe.)

After almost 30 years since it was first released, Premiere Pro has had to adapt for changes in video technology. There are now more platforms, channels, formats, export options, cameras and inputs than ever before. To incorporate these changes, the new version of the software provides refreshed import and export experiences, as well as a streamlined header bar, all designed to make workflows easier to learn, more efficient and more enjoyable.

The interface refresh makes it easier to work with new types of video content (like social media) without compromising traditional post-production. The new Import Mode is streamlined to enable users to access their content quickly and easily. A new header bar seamlessly integrates the core phases of Import, Edit, and Export and provides direct access to a task-specific workspace dropdown menu and Quick Export function. This header bar will be a universal design element across the Creative Cloud applications to support the import/export process and provide more consistency across platform.

The new Export Mode makes it easier to export multiple files to a local drive and streamlines the process of delivering completed videos by focusing on the destination of the content. This enables quick and efficient export of videos to popular social media platforms, without compromising the flexibility and power more experienced users rely on.

Click here for more information and to try out the new software.