Amid the latest updates to Photoshop and Lightroom released overnight, Adobe has introduced new options that enable users to customise how raw files are processed.
For all photography applications, Adobe has added a new option that enables users to set the Camera Settings default so it matches a specific in-camera look. Managing settings for different camera models can now be done all in one view in Preferences. This option can be used to apply built-in camera settings and profiles such as Creative Styles for Sony, Picture Styles for Canon, Film Simulations for Fuji, or Picture Controls for Nikon thereby saving time during subsequent editing. Preferences can be saved so that users who shoot with multiple cameras can apply specific settings to match each one. Adjustments will also adapt seamlessly to different ISO speeds.
The latest version of Adobe Camera Raw allows users to choose from three defaults: the existing Adobe default, which retains the Adobe colour profile plus sharpening and noise reduction settings; Camera settings, which matches the selected in-camera styles and profiles and Presets, which allow users to customise processing settings beyond Adobe’s general starting point or the in-camera settings. Any adjusted settings in the preset will get applied by default. Settings not covered by the preset will fall back to Camera Settings (such as the camera profile). Settings not covered by Camera Settings will fall back to Adobe Defaults.
Lightroom Classic and ACR give you further customisation to apply each of the three default settings universally (master), by specific camera models, and/or even by serial number. Many photographers may use a combination of master and camera model, or all three, depending on their needs. Click here for further information.