Pixmantec has released RawShooter Color Engine, a new plug-in for its recently-released RawShooter Premium 2006 raw file conversion application with more sophisticated colour profiles for Canon and Nikon DSLR cameras.
November 19, 2005: Pixmantec has released RawShooter Color Engine, a new plug-in for its recently-released RawShooter Premium 2006 raw file conversion application with more sophisticated colour profiles for Canon and Nikon DSLR cameras. Purchasers are granted the non-exclusive license to use the Software and users may install and use a copy of the Software on one personal computer or other device and install an additional copy of the Software on a second portable device. Alternatively, you may install a copy of the Software on a network storage device, and allow one access device to use that licensed copy of the Software over a private network. |