The Australian Centre for Photography is resuming its face to face courses and introducing a new round of online courses, starting next month.

The popular Camera Craft courses will be back, as well a suite of specialist courses, such as Introduction to Lighting and Fashion and Beauty Photography. Click here to view the range of courses available.  For those who prefer to study online, dynamic range of online courses is available, custom designed for online delivery, no matter where you are.

To celebrate the return, the ACP is offering all students who enroll in Term 3 courses (both face-to-face and online) the chance to have their enrolment fee returned. The centre is following the NSW Government’s COVID-19 Safety Plan for Museums and Galleries including:

  • All education, office spaces and Gallery are being regularly cleaned/sanitised and hand sanitiser is provided,
  • ACP class sizes have been adjusted to ensure capacity does not exceed one person per four square metres and seating has been arranged to ensure 1.5 metres between participants,
  • All ACP staff have been provided with information and training on COVID-19, including when to get tested, physical distancing, cleaning and use of the Australian government’s COVIDSafe app,
  • All ACP staff are required to notify management, stay at home if unwell and get tested if appropriate,
  • ACP maintains attendance records for contact tracing and in line with relevant health and privacy legislation.

All students are required to maintain physical distancing in class, sanitise/wash hands regularly, stay home and notify the ACP if unwell. They are also encouraged to use the Australian Government’s COVIDSafe app. Email or call +61 433 865 356 for enquiries.