Sunday 4 December has been dubbed “Photo Insurance Day” by the Photo Imaging Council of Australia, which reminds people to set time aside to photograph and catalogue valuable household and personal items.


November 29, 2005: Sunday 4 December has been dubbed “Photo Insurance Day” by the Photo Imaging Council of Australia, which reminds people to set time aside to photograph and catalogue valuable household and personal items.
Fire or theft can eliminate a lifetime of collectibles and treasured possessions, the organisation says, and insurance companies routinely require documentary proof of purchase before compensating those affected. PICA advises householders to take pictures of items they value and would like to safeguard, including jewellery, memorabilia, works of art, ornaments, appliances, furniture or hobby collectibles like stamps and coins. Where possible, owners may even want to photograph serial numbers on products.


The photos should be recorded on a CD and/or printed out and then stored in a safe location away from the home, perhaps with another family member or close friend. Better still, make two CD copies and secure them in separate places, PICA says. Then if all other evidence of purchase is lost for insurance purposes, photographic proof can readily be found.