TCL Electronics has launched a competition calling on Australian videographers to share stories of their everyday heroes for a chance to win a major prize of $10,000 cash.

The competition invites creators to submit a video telling the story of somebody who represents a ‘legend’ to them. From friends and family, to the local shopkeeper, soccer coach or even a next door neighbour – legends are defined by the entrant and stories can be told in short or long-form video.

The competition runs for six weeks from 2 September until 14 October. Entrants will be short-listed by TCL, with finalists shared on TCL’s Born A Legend for Australia to vote on its favourite videos and crown the ultimate legend.

At the end of the competition, five winners will be announced. One will take home the cash prize of  $10,000 while the others will receive TCL AI-enabled 4K TV sets.

Click here for more information.