Phase One has released the latest version of its Capture One raw file conversion and image editing software with some significant new features.


The new Annotations function lets photographers add drawings and notes to images. (Source: Phase One.)

The new Annotations function allows photographers to add handwritten notes and drawings directly on images. This function can be used to jog your memory when editing the shot, to make notes to share with a retoucher, or simply jot down a reminder for yourself for later. Annotations can be included in exported PSD files as a separate layer.


Layer adjustments are now supported in Capture One 11. (Source: Phase One.)
All adjustment tools are now compatible with Layers, introducing a new and more dynamic workspace. Local Adjustments has been renamed to Layers and is now included in multiple Tool tabs, making it easier to work  with layered editing workflow. Users can control the opacity of each layer and adjustments can be made across multiple tools.


Masking capabilities have been expanded with the new Feather Mask feature with fine-tuning available through the Refine Edge control. (Source: Phase One.)

The Auto Mask function has been improved with the addition of the  Feather Mask feature, which lets users soften the edges of a mask after drawing it. Further fine-tuning is provided by the Refine Edge function, which lets users create a more precise edge to the mask.  Users can also switch to Grey Scale masking to show up missed areas of a mask and make them easy to correct.

When applying a crop in Capture One, users can now use the Export Path to include the crop as a path when it is exported to PSD. By storing the crop as a Path, the full image can be used for retouching or alternative cropping at a later stage. The Colour Balance, Colour Editor, White Balance and other tools have been re-engineered to show smoother transitions between each layer, improving overall colour handling. The overall performance of Capture One has been increased for smoother and faster editing.  

Capture One 11 is available to new purchasers for US$299. Owners of  Capture One Pro 9 or 10 can upgrade to Capture One 11 for US$119. The software can also be purchased as part of a subscription plan for US$20 per month or US$180 for a 12-month subscription. Users of  Capture One Pro Sony 9 or 10 can upgrade to the new Sony version for US$69 or purchase it as a new user for US$79. Anyone who has purchased Capture One Pro 10 or Capture One Pro Sony 10 since October 31, 2017 can get Capture One 11 for free. A free trial of Capture One 11 is available for download at