The NSW Department of Lands has launched a geographic information services website that will outdo Google Earth in its coverage of NSW.


November 7, 2007: The NSW Department of Lands has launched a geographic information services website that will outdo Google Earth in its coverage of NSW.
The new Spatial Information eXchange (SIX) Gateway provides a single entry point through which government employees, businesses and community members can search, access and utilise the wealth of geospatial services and data managed by Lands, in many cases free of charge. It also provides opportunities for users to contribute to this state-wide resource. The SIX Gateway contains a wide range of property and topographic features as well as cadastral (land tenure) and address information that can be searched against.
To use the SIX Gateway, users must download a free SIX Viewer from This installs a one-off plug-in that allows the viewer to be accessed and used. An online tour of the viewer’s features and facilities can be viewed before downloading. Quick Links are provided to My Place, My Suburb and My State and users can display and view multiple layers of imagery and themes within a single browser window. They can also combine data from other web sites, for example the live weather feed from the Bureau of Meteorology.
Users require boradband interent access at least 512KB (1 Mbp preferable) to ensure that the imagery displays quickly within their browser. Supported browsers include Internet Explorer version 5.5+, Internet Explorer 7, Netscape 7.x and Firefox 1.0+. Currently the system is only available to Windows XP and 2000 operating systems. Macintosh/Safari support will be provided by January 2008 as part of the development of the simplified version of the site. Windows Vista is not yet officially supported and some users may experience issues installing the plug-in.