Nikon chose Friday 30 August to announce the latest addition to its Coolpix range of compact digital cameras. The new Coolpix 4300 has a similar styling to the Coolpix 885 but features a CCD sensor with 4.0 effective megapixels, a 3x optical Zoom-Nikkor lens, 5-Area Multi Autofocus and macro shooting to 4cm. Shutter speeds range from 1/1000 to 8 second and the camera offers Auto and Manual exposure control modes.
September 2002: Nikon chose Friday 30 August to announce the latest addition to its Coolpix range of compact digital cameras. The new Coolpix 4300 has a similar styling to the Coolpix 885 but features a CCD sensor with 4.0 effective megapixels, a 3x optical Zoom-Nikkor lens, 5-Area Multi Autofocus and macro shooting to 4cm. Shutter speeds range from 1/1000 to 8 second and the camera offers Auto and Manual exposure control modes. Twelve Scene Modes have been provided to simplify operation in potentially challenging situation. They includePortrait, Party/Indoor, Night Portrait, Beach/Snow, Landscape, Sunset, Night Landscape, Museum, Fireworks Show, Close Up, Copy and Back Light. There”s also Nikon”s Best Shot Selector (BSS) function, which automatically chooses the best shot in continuous mode. Users can capture movie clips up to 35 seconds in length Other handy features include White Balance Bracketing (plus a range of pre-sets), a Noise Reduction mode for extended-time exposures, a Transfer button for one-touch upload of pictures to a computer and a Small Picture function that creates a small-size duplicate for emailing. The Coolpix 4300 comes with a rechargeable lithium ion battery and is compatible with Nikon”s Telephoto, Wideangle and Fisheye Converter Lenses, and Slide Copy Adapter (requires optional Step Down Ring Lens Adapter UR-E4). It is supplied with a 16MB CompactFlash Card, USB and video cables, battery charger and Nikon View 5 CD-ROM image management software. Details can be found at