LEE Filters has unveiled a new range of Reverse ND filters for controlling horizon exposures during sunrise and sunset.
The new LEE Reverse ND filters are available for each system. (Source: LEE Filters.)
Designed for landscape photographers, the new Reverse ND filters are most dense the centre of the filter, with a carefully designed transition zone that gives a natural, balanced exposure to the sky. The lower half of each filter is clear. This enables photographers to control the light selectively in situations where the horizon is extremely bright while maintaining a correct exposure in the foreground. The filters are offered in three densities: 0.6ND (2 stops), 0.9ND (3 stops) and 1.2ND (four stops). They will be available for the LEE 100mm, Seven5 and SW150 Systems. For details, visit http://www.leefilters.com/index.php/camera/reverse-nd.