‘Joys of the Journey’, the latest exhibition of landscape images from iconic Australian photographer, Ken Duncan, opens at his NSW Central Coast Gallery on Saturday, 2 December.

The display represents Ken’s largest release of new images and includes classic landscapes, inspiring wildlife images and surprising compositions captured both within Australia and in other parts of the world.

Commenting on the new exhibition, Ken says, “I feel very blessed to have the job I have. When I was asked recently what my hobby is, I immediately said photography! Some people may think it’s strange that my hobby is my job ““ or vice versa ““ but I just love taking photos! If you ask me what my favourite photo is, I’ll tell you”¦ it’s the next one. I get to see amazing places that not everyone can get to, so I love bringing back images to share the beauty of creation with others.
“I want to be sure the prints I release will grow stronger with time,” he adds, “so they become an investment for my clients. That’s why I’m pretty excited about this release of new images. I’ve been travelling a lot lately, but in the past few months I’ve forced myself to sit still and go through thousands of images to decide what to release. And I’ve tried to give a diverse selection of the images that have been beckoning me for some time. I think we’ve picked some winners here ““ just in time for Christmas.”

Visitors to Ken’s gallery during the first weekend of his new exhibition (December 2 & 3) can benefit from the special offer of 25% off the print price of all his new images. There are 27 brand-new images to choose from, in various formats and sizes. Visitors can meet Ken in person on the first and second weekends of the exhibition.

For more information, visit https://kenduncan.com/whats-on or phone the Gallery on (02) 4367 6701.