August 5, 2009: HP will release a new range of SimpleSave external hard drives, manufactured for the company by Western Digital (WD).
Designed to provide a simple and automatic back-up system for photos, video, music and data, SimpleSave drives are easy to use. All the purchaser needs to do is plug the drive into a USB connection and let the pre-installed back-up software automatically find and back up the data on the PC. After the first backup, the SimpleSave drive automatically updates the back-up with file changes whenever the computer is idle.
The SimpleSave hard drive family consists of two products: SimpleSave Portable drives, which are available in 320- and 500-gigabyte capacities at RRPs of $139 and $199 respectively, and SimpleSave Desktop drives, available in 1- and 2-terabyte capacities at $179 and $449. A single SimpleSave drive can be used to back up all the PCs in the home, with data from each PC clearly identified by name on the drive to make finding and restoring a specific PC’s data straightforward.
The SimpleSave Portable drive. (Source: HP.)
The SimpleSave Desktop drive, shown with a notebook computer. (Source: HP.)
A wide range of files are supported, including the most common file types for photo, music and documents, such as AAC, BMP, DOC, GDF, GIF, JPG, MP3, MPEG, PPT, PDF, TAX, TIFF and XLS. Each drive is ready to use when connected to a USB port and provides support for large files. The NTFS file system supports metadata and use of advanced data structures, improving performance, reliability and disk space. For details, visit www.hp.com.au.