Nikon has released “C” firmware Version 1.20 for its Z f full-frame mirrorless camera providing two important changes and several bug fixes.

The new firmware updates Version 1.10 by providing the following changes:

  • The colour temperature for the first shot will now be applied to the rest of the series of photos taken in pixel shift photography when the white balance is set to [Auto] or [Natural light auto].
    • Changed the default values for the following settings displayed when connecting wirelessly:
      • Encryption keys
      • The password displayed after the camera’s default settings are restored
    • Fixed the following issues:

– Releasing the shutter with the monitor in the storage position sometimes would not darken the viewfinder if [Silent mode] was set [ON] and an NEF (RAW) or RAW + JPEG/HEIF option was selected for [Image quality].

– “Noise” could sometimes be noticeable in the live view display during photography and video recording, as well as in the shadows of pictures taken and videos recorded when [Set Picture Control] was set to [Deep Tone Monochrome] and a positive value selected for [Contrast] and negative for [Brightness].

– The camera sometimes would stop responding when videos recorded under certain conditions were operated with actions such as rewinding or advancing during playback.

Click here to visit the Nikon Download Centre support page for access to the new firmware. Nikon has also issued minor firmware updates for the following cameras: the Z5, Z8, D850 and D7500. They all address a minor bug that changed some default values when the camera was connected wirelessly or after the camera was reset.   Links to downloads can be found here.