The Everyday Humans Short Film Competition is back for a second year with US$50,000 worth of cash and prizes up for grabs.
The brief is to create a short film that tells a story about an everyday human. Capture their chat, antics and what makes them tick in a short engaging film (max. 4 minutes long). The competition’s organisers state:
Your chosen human (or group of) can be anyone who has an interesting story to tell ““ from the guys who run your local corner store, to your old school principal or even your Nan. We’re not looking for product placement or advertising either, so try and refrain from focusing the story on a company or product. You can use whatever equipment that is available to you. The emphasis here is on storytelling – it can be a hard task capturing someone’s character in 4 minutes or less, but that’s exactly what we want you to do.
You’ll also need to supply us with a social cut of your short film and 2-3 hi-res behind the scenes images.
Winning videos will be shared on and on the Everyday Humans Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter social channels. Winning content will also be promoted across the Syrp social channels and in their newsletter. The competition closes on 8 November 2017. Details and entries at (membership sign-in).