A new exhibition celebrating Australia’s urban birdlife will open at The Corner Gallery in the Sydney suburb of Stanmore on 21 October and run until 1 November.

Featuring images produced by photographer, Angela Robertson-Buchanan  working with designer Eggpicnic and printmaker Fiona Roderick, the exhibition runs alongside National Bird Week, an initiative to get more Australians interested in birds. Twenty per cent of print sales will be donated to BirdLife Australia. Although 80% of Australia’s population live in cities, urban birds are surprisingly abundant, but with rapid urbanisation, they face a great challenge.  Many Australian bird species are declining across the country.

The exhibition venue is The Corner Gallery on the corner of Percival Rd and Myrtle St in Stanmore (Sydney). It is open on Wednesdays from 5 to 8 pm and on Thiursday to Saturday inclusive between 11 am and 5 pm.