The Epson Stylus Pro 3800 has won the 2007 Ecohitech Award for Energy Saving CO2 Reduction in Milan, Italy.


November 7, 2007: The Epson Stylus Pro 3800 has won the 2007 Ecohitech Award for Energy Saving CO2 Reduction in Milan, Italy.
The Ecohitech Awards are Italy’s highest recognition of environmental achievement by a technology company and cover hi-tech processes, products, systems and services. The jury’s appraisal of Epson’s printer states: “The Epson Stylus Pro 3800 is a compact printer developed and produced in accordance with the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). In comparison with the previous models, the estimated CO2 emissions during the whole product life are reduced by 44% and the amount of the resources used during the production is reduced by 55%. The printer is EcoLeaf certified.”