June 14, 2005: Entries are sought for the “Epson Colour Imaging Contest 2005”, one of the world’s largest photographic and graphic arts contests.
Photographers of all skill levels are encouraged to submit their prints and compete for hundreds of prizes, including trips to Tokyo and more than 6 million yen (about $A75,000) in prize money to share among the winners. There are three major award categories:
The “Colour Imaging Award” is Epson’s most prestigious award, aimed at Artists, Art School Students, Photographers, Enthusiasts and Professionals. Entries can be a colour photograph or a graphic design, computer graphic, painting, lithograph or illustration, that explores the possibilities of graphic expression through the digital processes. First prize is 2 million yen (about $A24,000) and Epson products valued at about $A500.
The “Nature and Human Life Photo Award” is aimed at photography enthusiasts and advanced amateurs who specialise in natural scenery, animals, plants or human portraits. There are two first prizes of 1 million yen ([about $A12,000) and Epson products valued at about $A500. They are for the best nature print of natural scenery, animals, plants and insects; and for the best human life print of people or man-made objects.
The “Family Snap Award” is for people who just love taking photographs of family members, friends, pets, scenery, sports, events, travel and holidays. There are three main prizes worth a total of 800,000 yen (about $A10,000) and numerous smaller prizes.
Held since Epson introduced the first colour inkjet printer to the market in 1994, the contest allows Epson to help promote new forms of expression through digital printing and create a vibrant digital photo culture. In ten years the contest has grown well beyond Japan to become a truly international event. Last year 51,477 entries from a total of 105,033 works were from outside Japan, and about one-third of all prizes went to non-Japanese entries. Details of how to enter, prizes and entry forms can be found at: https://www.clubepson.com.au/competitions/competitions/2005_61/competition.asp. Entries must reach Epson in Japan by 31 August 2005.