Winners have been announced in this year’s International Pano Awards, which attracted 3,853 entries from 893 photographers in 55 countries.

The overall winner of the Open Competition was Craig Billof the USA with his stunning image of an intense storm over the Texas-NewMexico border (reproduced above). Peter Blakeman of Australia wasthe runner-up in the Open competition, with his clever use of movement in apanorama with his image of the 2010 World Cup Track Cycling in Melbourne,Australia. The overall winner of the Amateurcompetition was Sergey Semenov of Russia, who submitted an aerialperspective of Central Park in New York City. AnitaErdmann of Canada was the runner-up in the Amateur competition, with herbeautiful and gentle image of Yellowstone National Park covered in snow. The VR/360 competition winner was EricHerrmann with a highly polished action image called ‘The Chase’.
These images ““ and other images that placed highly in eachcategory ”“ can be viewed at