The Red Bull Illume Image Quest for action and adventure sports photography returns for the first time in three years, with entries for the 2013 contest now open.

The last contest in 2010 saw 22,764 images entered from almost 5,000 photographers in 112 countries around the world. This year, the interest and skill level is expected to be even higher.

The contest covers ten categories, ranging from Lifestyle and Playground to Experimental and Spirit. Photographers may submit up to five images per category. Submissions are open until 30 April 2013, when a judging panel of more than 50 experts from the publications such as USA Today, AFP, Photo Magazine and Sports Illustrated, will select the 50 best images to travel the world as part of a stand-alone night time photo exhibition.

Each category winner will receive a Leica X2 camera The overall winner will be crowned Red Bull Illume champion and receive a Leica S camera. Entries can be submitted via the website  where full competition details are also available.