Commercial photographers from around the globe will meet on Monday 18th October from 7.30pm to discuss the future of the commercial photography market.


October 12, 2010: Commercial photographers from around the globe will meet on Monday 18th October from 7.30pm to discuss the future of the commercial photography market.
Hosted by the Australian Institute of Professional Photography (AIPP) and sponsor, Nikon, the inaugural Nikon AIPP Event is the largest ever photographic gathering to be held in Asia Pacific and provides a forum for airing of both good and bad issues confronting commercial photography. It aims to offer solutions and feedback for future directions. Topics for discussion include:
The issues facing the photographic industry.
What is impacting our industry now?
What will impact our industry next year?
The shape of the industry over the next decade.
Who will be buying photography in 5 years?
What will be the earning potential of a photographer in the next few years?
The business model of 2011.
Education – where is it going in relation to the needs of the photographic industry?
The impact of the amateur market in the age of digital photography.

Speakers at the event include 23 of the most respected professionals in the industry covering topics from travel, portrait, 3D photography, editorial and publishing, the business of photography, architecture, film photography and fashion. Tickets are selling fast with some of the workshops already sold out. For more information, visit