Dr Les Walkling will be conducting a one day workshop next month outlining essential colour management strategies with X-Rite equipment.

The workshop will be held on Thursday, 5th December between 10:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the C.R. Kennedy Function Centre at 300 Lorimer Street, Port Melbourne, 3207. It will cover monitor calibration, printing and soft proofing and provide simple, logical and effective solutions for an efficient and productive workflow. Real world case studies include proofing for clients, incorrect screen brightness settings, inappropriate profile conversions, chromatic adaptation errors in working and viewing environments, how not to work with pro labs, and other typically misunderstood sources of colour inaccuracy.

The workshop is especially designed for photographers, designers, artists, retouchers and anyone else whose digital imaging requires the efficient and repeatable reproduction of accurate colour throughout their entire workflow. A fee of AU$49 covers tuition and lunch. Places are strictly limited so intending participants are advised to book early at http://consumer.crkennedy.com.au/event/xrite-5dec.   The first 50 registrations will receive an Ilford Galerie A4 sample pack valued at $66. All attendees will be able to buy X-Rite and Ilford products at special workshop prices.