DataBasics, regional distributor of the Canto Cumulus digital asset management system, has announced the availability of the new Cumulus 8.5.


May 18, 2011: DataBasics, regional distributor of the Canto Cumulus digital asset management system, has announced the availability of the new Cumulus 8.5.
The new version goes on sale at the same price as its predecessor because the favourable exchange rate between the Euro and Australian dollar has allowed DataBasics to absorb the price rise and even decrease some entry level costs. Key features i nthe latest version include:
– World metadata from a single, multi-lingual catalogue that can support more than 20 languages.
– Departmental user management.
– The ability to upload new files and edit metadata from Cumulus Sites. Discussion threads and annotations are also available.
– Metadata validators can help ensure proper values are entered. No more bad email addresses, ISBN numbers, etc.
– Format-savvy asset actions for easier download, all-new trigger actions for improved workflow, 64-bit support for better performance, and more.
For more information, visit or download a PDF data sheet on Cumulus 8.5 at