Entries to the Head on Foundation’s 2010 photographic portrait competition close at 11 pm (EDT) on Sunday, 14 March, 2010.


February 10, 2010: Entries to the Head on Foundation’s 2010 photographic portrait competition close at 11 pm (EDT) on Sunday, 14 March, 2010.
Now in its seventh year, the Head On Portrait Prize has established itself as one of Australia’s major photographic portrait exhibitions. This year the prize pool is valued at approximately $40,000 and includes three Canon EOS 5D II camera bodies, three Canon 24-105mm f/4L IS USM lenses, three copies of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 and a range of other desirable products.
Prizes will be awarded for the best three images. The selection of images will be done anonymously based on the power of the photograph rather than the celebrity of the subject or photographer. Images can range from film to digitally produced using any photographic technique in colour and/or black & white. Additional prizes will be awarded to images selected for ø¢â‚¬ËœThe Critic’s Prize’ and for ø¢â‚¬ËœPeople’s Choice’.
An entry fee applies to all images submitted, with members of the Head On Foundation paying $25 per image and non-members $30 per image. Finalists’ work will be selected by National Gallery of Victoria Senior Photography Curator Isobel Crombie, Award winning Photographer Anthony Browell, picture editor and VU agent Isabelle Rouvillois and Head On curator Moshe Rosenzveig. The ø¢â‚¬ËœCritic’s Prize’ will be selected by photography critic Robert McFarlane.
Full details of the competition can be found at www.headon.com.au.