Australian charity, Blue Knot Foundation, is running a photographic competition to highlight its work with survivors of childhood trauma and abuse in Australia.

Focusing on the theme ‘Recovery is possible‘, the organisers of the Blue Knot Day Photography Competition are looking for images that feature a blue knot and communicate the message ‘Together we lead the way to survivor recovery‘.
Potential subjects could include photographs of moments, places, culture, environments that communicate the key message.
Twenty 20 photographs will be selected for exhibition as a part of Blue Knot Day celebrations. The first prize winner will receive AU$1000 in cash, with the second and third prize winners getting AU$500 and $250 respectively.
Blue Knot Day will be held on 24 October, and submission deadline is midnight on Sunday, 9 October 2016. The competition is open to anyone over 16 years of age and entry is free.
For details on terms and conditions and to submit images, visit