‘Feathered Heads, A Celebration of Australian Birds’ is a special exhibition created for National Bird week by photographer, Angela Robertson-Buchanan.


The exhibition opens on Friday 17th October at the X88 Gallery, 88 Abercrombie Street, Chippendale, NSW 2008.

It presents a striking collection of unconventional close-up portraits that show the beauty and personality of each bird, photographed during two years, while the photographer was meeting and photographing birds that have either been rescued, are an ambassador for their species or are endangered.  

20% of proceeds raised from sales will be donated to Birdlife Australia. Images can be viewed in an online ‘exhibition art photography book’ at  http://previews.onlineprogallery.com.au/gallery/?cpid=1921253&auth=5423b2da57ef64.77087025.

The show will run until 25 October. For more information, visit  http://www.pixelperfect.com.au/events/event/feathered-heads/  or phone Angela Robertson-Buchanan on 1300 402 094.




