The Canon AIPP Australian Professional Photography Awards (or ø¢â‚¬ËœAPPAs’) Travelling Exhibition opens in Canberra on Monday 7 December.


November 30, 2009: The Canon AIPP Australian Professional Photography Awards (or ø¢â‚¬ËœAPPAs’) Travelling Exhibition opens in Canberra on Monday 7 December.
More than one hundred photographs by leading Australian professional photographers will be on display in the free exhibition at ACT Legislative Assembly Exhibition Room. Open hours are Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5.30pm. The images will remain on display for two weeks only until Friday 18th December before continuing on their way around the country until June 2010. Other locations will include Brisbane, Adelaide, Launceston, Cairns, the Whitsundays, Melbourne and Toowoomba.
The exhibition includes the best of the year’s landscape, portrait, wedding, press, science, nature and environmental, commercial and documentary photography. Images from three Canberra photographers, Leonie Keogh, Dan O’Day and Geoff Comfort, will feature in the exhibition.

Queensland based photographer Charmaine Heyer, was chosen by the judging panel from 2,459 prints entered by 655 professional photographers from around Australia for the highly coveted and esteemed title of Canon AIPP Australian Professional Photographer of the Year. For a full list of category winners and to view winning images, visit