Next month Adobe will be running a series of free online seminars providing tuition in using various components of its Creative Suite.


May 21, 2008: Next month Adobe will be running a series of free online seminars providing tuition in using various components of its Creative Suite.
A special series for photographers will be included, with four sessions spread across the month. Each seminar will run for an hour between 12 noon and 1 pm (unfortunately, no details have been provided regarding which time zone is involved). Dates are as follows:
2 June, 2008: Adobe Photoshop CS3 for Photographers;
16 June, 2008: Creative Communicating with Adobe Photoshop;
23 June, 2008: 10 Ways to Improve Your Workflow;
30 June, 2008: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Workflow.
For more information, visit