Adobe has released updates to its Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw applications and added a new Profiles function and browser.
The new Profiles function in Adobe Camera Raw 10.3. (Source: Adobe.)
The former Camera Profiles feature in Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw has been replaced by the new Profiles function, which is now included in the Basic panel instead of being relegated to the Camera Calibration panel. More than 40 new Creative profiles, developed through leading preset creators, have been added, along with a new profile browser. Adobe is working with more to create additional profiles.
Six new Adobe Raw profiles have been added to complement the current Adobe Standard profile: Colour, Monochrome, Portrait, Landscape, Neutral and Vivid. These have been designed to create a unified look across images independent of the camera used to record the picture. The new creative profiles are assembled in four groups: Artistic, Black and White, Modern and Vintage.
Adobe has also updated Lightroom Classic CC, Lightroom CC Desktop and Lightroom CC for mobile devices. New cameras added to Adobe Camera Raw include the Canon EOS 1500D, EOS 3000D and EOS M50, the Panasonic DC-GX9 and DC-TZ220 and Sony A7 III. Adobe Camera Raw can be updated through current versions of existing software. Details of the updates can be found at