Adobe has formally announced that the next release of Adobe Camera Raw (v 9.1.1) will be the final version available for use with CS6.

When ACR v 9.1.1 is released (which is expected to be soon), it will include the latest Camera Raw and Lens profiles at that point in time. The next update to ACR (v 9.2) is not expected to work with Photoshop CS6.  

Photographers who currently use Photoshop CS6 and whose cameras and lenses are currently covered ““ or will be covered in ACR v 9.1.1 ““ will be able to continue using the software as they are now. However, those whose cameras and lenses aren’t covered in ACR v 9.1.1 and those who buy new cameras and lenses in the future will have to convert raw files taken with these cameras to the ‘open’ DNG format. Adobe’s customers can utilise a free Adobe DNG Converter utility to receive the very latest camera support for CS6 and older versions of our software going all the way back to Photoshop CS2 and Lightroom 1.0. This converter is available for Windows and Mac operating systems and can convert files from more than 350 cameras to DNG. However, it doesn’t support the Lens Profile Corrections available within ACR.

An alternative is to subscribe to the  Creative Cloud Photography plan. For more information and a link to the  Adobe DNG Converter utility, visit