West Australian scuba diver, Wayne Osborn, has been announced as winner of the overall prize in the prestigious 2012 ANZANG Nature Photography Competition at the South Australian Museum yesterday evening.
His entry, titledSquid School(pictured above), in the Underwater category, was taken at Fiabacet Reef, Raja Ampat, Indonesia, and won him the top $5000 prize. The photograph was taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark II camera and EF 100mm f/2.8 L macro lens (1/125 second, f/14, ISO 200) using a Nexus underwater housing and twin Inon Z240 strobes with diffusers. It shows bioluminescence, a natural phenomenon that is unlikely to be seen firsthand by the majority of people but is part of the communication system of the cuttlefish.
Other winners include Jenni Horsnell of NSW, who took out the Portfolio category; Rohan Clarke of Victoria, who won the Animal Behaviour prize; Gary Miller of W.A., winner of the Animal Portrait prize and Andrew C Wallace of Tasmania, who won the Botanical section. Nearly 100 finalist images are displayed at the South Australian Museum from 5 October to 25 November. The exhibition then tours to Western Australia and Tasmania. For details, visit www.samuseum.sa.gov.au or phone (08) 8207 7500.