Waves. They’re all around us. Sometimes they’re obvious and sometimes they’re very subtle indeed. And, once again, our loyal Photo Challengers tackled the topic with their usual enthusiasm and creativity.

The Waves challenge first place taker is Robert Zappia. Robert will receive a Kata Revolver-8PL Backpack for his soothing study of waves in motion. It’s tough to photograph a subject such as this in a creative and satisfying way, but we think Robert has succeeded admirably.  

We went back and forth about whether to award Roz Krugle or Andy Parkee the first runner-up. In the end the hat tip went Roz’s way because we liked the simplicity and purity of her composition. Andy’s photograph is also simple and almost monochromatic, but we agree with his caption that there is something of the stormy sea in the swell-like rise and fall of the rock surface.  

Honorable mentions this issue go to Jeremy Nance for his balletic surfer negotiating a spectacularly rugged looking wave, to Thierry Rocchia for his sand waves image and to Robert Zappia for his picturesquely wavy reflection shot.


FIRST PLACE: Untitled by Robert Zappia


FIRST RUNNER-UP: ‘Waves of bark’ by Roz Krugle


SECOND RUNNER-UP: ‘Close-up of a shelf of rock, down at the beach. The close-up makes the rock texture look, at first glance, like the building of waves amid a rolling sea.’ By Andy Parkee.


HONOURABLE MENTION: Untitled by Jeremy Nance


HONOURABLE MENTION: ‘Wavy sand’ by Thierry Rocchia


HONOURABLE MENTION: Untitled by Robert Zappia

Details of the next Photo Challenge are published in Photo Review magazine. Click here to order online  or to find out where to buy your copy.