For our Portals and Thresholds challenge, we asked photographers to capture an opening that might provoke a viewer to wonder where looking or even stepping through might lead.
Our winner, John Tarlinton, assures us that no special editing effects were employed to create his rather spooky untitled study. Not sure that’s a portal we’d particularly want to step through, John! But it has earned you a Kata Bumblebee 222 UL with an RRP of $450.
Elana Bailey was our first runner-up with her restful composition, entitled ‘Feeling French Provincial’. Norman Shapro submitted his serene image ‘Portal to Enlightenment’ via our website gallery. Oldest portal by far in the submissions came from Peter Armitage’s picture of an intriguing geological formation that likely formed millions of years before humans walked the earth with cameras. Also coming in for honourable mention are Elana Bailey’s sepia toned ‘Church of Toledo’ and Roz Krugle’s smile-making ‘Blue’.

First Place: Untitled by John Tarlinton.

First Runner-up: ‘Feeling French Provinical’ by Elana Bailey.

Second Runner-up: ‘Portal to Enlightenment’ by Norman Shapro.

Honourable Mention: Untitled by Peter Armitage
The Archway, Giraween NP, Queensland. The result of millions of years of natural phenomena starting with volcanic eruptions and molten lava, later cooling down to form huge granite outcrops which give this region the name, ‘The Granite Belt’.

Honourable Mention: ‘Church of Toledo in sepia’ by Elana Bailey

Honourable mention: ‘Blue’ by Roz Krugle
Details of the next Photo Challenge are published in Photo Review magazine. Click here to order online or to find out where to buy your copy.