Ingrid Makowski captured her winning picture in outback WA…


WINNER: Under the Milky Way, by Ingrid Makowski

‘Camping under the stars in the Australian outback is a magical experience,’ Ingrid wrote, and her image, complete with the streak of a shooting star, made us want to pack up the gear for our own photo adventure.

Ingrid has won a stylish  Think Tank Retrospective ® Leather 5 ““ Pinestone bag.

First runner-up Susan Shanta found inspiration at dusk along the Seaford Pier in Victoria ““ and from somewhere up high in Melbourne…


FIRST RUNNER-UP: Seaford Pier lights, Victoria, by Susan Shanta


RUNNER-UP: Melbourne City, by Susan Shanta

John Tarlinton spotted two graceful street lamps in Leura, while Karen Rich discovered a glowing ocean pool at Austinmer beach…


RUNNER-UP:  Leura lights, by  By John Tarlinton


RUNNER-UP:  Ocean pool, Austinmer Beach,  By Karen Rich

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