Our ‘spot of colour’ Photo Challenge really caught entrants’ imaginations…
Choosing a winner was exceptionally difficult given the standard of entries. But choose we must and so we’ve bestowed top spot on Norman Shapro for his untitled geometric study of two chaps and a bright spot of colour. Norman has won the versatile, comfortable Lowepro ProTactic 450 AW (RRP $299) with four quick-access points and multiple set-up options.
Our first runner-up, Amanda Keesing, got the nod simply because we found ourselves drawn to her simple yet vivid composition, whether it was being viewed full screen or light table style with all the others. Dennis Rickard is our second runner-up for his subtle landscape with its spot of green thanks to a drifting mangrove. So many of us would have walked right by that one. And speaking of walking by, what’s the odds that Andy Parkee was the only photographer to even notice that bright splash of colour in an otherwise dark and uninteresting street scene?
We loved that bright little dot on the end of the nun’s handlebar that caught the ever reliable Roz Krugle’s photographic eye. Blane Coulcher’s abstract image of a lighthouse on the NSW north coast shows that it’s possible to avoid the usual clichø©s, and Ian Reichstein’ wistful image is simple and expressive.

Untitled by Norman Shapro

‘Succulent leaves’ by Amanda Keesing
Outside our front door is a collection of cacti and succulents and an eclectic mix of perforated metal. At a certain time of day the sun makes the succulent leaves absolutely glow and I spied the colour coming through the holes of a rusty metal plate.

‘A splash of green’ by Dennis Rickard
I was recently holidaying at Trinity Beach, Cairns Qld, and while photographing the sunset I noticed this young mangrove getting swirled around amongst the rocks on the incoming tide. I liked the contrast of its colour against the rocks and water.

Untitled by Andy Parkee
I like the strong contrast of the yellow tape and black material behind the fence at the entrance to this construction site.

‘A Grip on Life’ by Roz Krugle
She who succeeds in gaining the mastery of the bicycle will surely gain the mastery of life…

‘Lighthouse’ by Blane Coulcher
The glow from the identification light of the Seal Rocks Lighthouse. This avoids the clichø©s of the rotating beam and presents an unusual image of the lighthouse ““ a favourite haunt.
To take up the next Photo Challenge subscribe to Photo Review magazine.