The idea for the Hands competition came to your editor whilst he was perusing a dog-eared copy of Betty Edwards’ Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. This was the book that, to be frank, taught your humble servant how to draw like a grown up rather than a child. As I flicked through it, a piece of paper slipped from the pages. It was a drawing I’d attempted of my hand …and that lead by the usual aribitrary chain of free association to the notion that hands might make a good subject for a Photo Review challenge.
The idea for the Hands competition came to your editor whilst he was perusing a dog-eared copy of Betty Edwards’ Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. This was the book that, to be frank, taught your humble servant how to draw like a grown up rather than a child. As I flicked through it, a piece of paper slipped from the pages. It was a drawing I’d attempted of my hand …and that lead by the usual aribitrary chain of free association to the notion that hands might make a good subject for a Photo Review challenge. As it turned out, the response was somewhat smaller than usual, but the intriguing thing is that the images that did come in were exceptionally good. Our winning image is Sandy Kelly’s untitled study of a wood carver’s hand. It put the judging panel in mind of M. C. Escher’s famous Drawing Hands. Photo Review is pleased to send Sandy a pair of Echologic digital photo frames (see below for more details) as a token of our appreciation. We decided that Roz Krugle’s Innocence should take the first runner-up’s position for the what could be described as a beguiling sense of delicacy in the interplay of little fingers and water. Kellie Blinco got out the softbox to create a beautifully modeled meditation on three hands. Nicky Stone’s Soft touch is a luminous portrait of a cello player’s hand poised on the strings of what looks to be a quite lovely old insturment. And, speaking of instruments, we think it looks as though Kylie Harrison’s guitarist is playing something soulful, maybe a bit jazzy… Thanks again to all who participated. ![]() Winner: Untitled by Sandy Kelly ![]() First runner-up: Innocence by Roz Krugle ![]() Second runner-up: Untitled by Kellie Blinco ![]() Honourable mention: Soft touch by Nicky Stone ![]()
Honourable mention: “Hands that play the music in his head so others too can enjoy…” by Kylie Harrison Sandy Kelly wins a pair of Echologic digital photo frames with a combined value of $278. These comprise a 7-inch (800 x 480 pixels) Echologic Brown Leather Digital Photo Frame, RRP $199, and the 3.5-inch Echologic Portable Digital Photo Frame, RRP $79. For stockist details please telephone 1300 477 733 or visit ![]() Details of the current Photo Challenge are published in Photo Review magazine. Click here to order online or find out where to buy your copy. |