The challenge we set in our August-Sept 2005 issue, was not easy. The task we set was to capture the experience of that most humdrum and ordinary of experiences – a trip to the supermarket. Our intention was to set Photo Challengers a task that really made them work to find an interesting image. In the end it was a bit of an old home week as some familiar Challenge responders got across the line for the win and places. We think they answered the call rather successfully.


The challenge we set in our August-Sept 2005 issue, was not easy. The task we set was to capture the experience of that most humdrum and ordinary of experiences – a trip to the supermarket. Our intention was to set Photo Challengers a task that really made them work to find an interesting image. In the end it was a bit of an old home week as some familiar Challenge responders got across the line for the win and places. We think they answered the call rather successfully.

Our winner, Melissa Grimley, will receive a GretagMacbeth Eye-One Photo SG colour management system for an after dark shot of a convenience store that reminded us in an indirect way of Edward Hopper’s paintings of late-night diners and shopfronts.


First runner-up goes to Gaynor Robson for his serendipitous series on a certain pigeon’s shopping expedition [right].

Second runner up goes to veteran Photo Challenger, Leigh Beer for his strangely beguiling study of fridge doors.

Thanks once again to all our entrants.

See details for the next challenge in the current issue of Photo Review Australia.
